What is the difference between treatment from a Psychologist/Counsellor or an RTT Professional?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is one of the services offered by Niomi Hurley at Get Up and Grow Consulting and it stands at the forefront of innovative mental health practices. This transformative therapy goes beyond the conventions of traditional counselling or psychology, offering a unique and efficient solution to those seeking quick and effective change in their lives.

RTT, developed by Marisa Peer, is particularly effective because it targets the root causes of psychological issues at the subconscious level. This approach is more direct and focused compared to traditional methods that often take longer to address core issues. RTT is designed to swiftly identify and reprogram limiting beliefs and behaviours that hold clients back. This process is not just about temporary fixes; it’s about creating deep, lasting change. Clients report experiencing significant improvements in a relatively short period, often within just a few sessions. This efficiency is a hallmark of RTT and a key differentiator from more conventional therapy methods.

Niomi’s approach when working with clients is not just clinical; it is also deeply personal and tailored to individual needs. She understands that each client’s journey is unique, and her therapy sessions reflect this. Whether it’s managing chronic pain, enhancing life satisfaction, improving sleep patterns, or personal development, Niomi’s RTT sessions are designed to address a wide range of issues effectively.

So, what are the differences between Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and traditional counselling or psychology?

  • Approach to Treatment: RTT often involves direct and rapid techniques to address issues at the subconscious level, while traditional therapy usually involves more gradual, conversational methods.
  • Duration of Therapy: RTT is designed for rapid results, often within a few sessions, in contrast to the long-term approach of traditional counselling or psychology.
  • Focus of Therapy: RTT focuses on quickly identifying and addressing the root cause of an issue, whereas traditional therapy may involve exploring various aspects of a person’s life and history over a longer period.
  • Techniques Used: RTT uses specific techniques like hypnosis and direct suggestion to effect change, unlike the more varied and often less direct techniques of traditional therapy.
  • Goal of Therapy: While both aim to improve mental health, RTT is specifically geared towards rapid transformation, targeting immediate change, whereas traditional therapy works towards gradual understanding and coping.

RTT’s approach, focusing on rapid results, diverges significantly from the more gradual process seen in conventional therapy. While counsellors and psychologists work to unpack a client’s history and gradually work through issues, RTT aims to quickly uncover and resolve the root causes of mental and emotional challenges, often in just a few sessions. This speed is a significant advantage for those seeking immediate change.

Furthermore, RTT’s methodology, which delves into the subconscious to reframe and rewire thought patterns, offers a direct route to transformation that traditional therapies might take much longer to achieve. While traditional therapy often involves talking through problems and gradually developing coping strategies, RTT uses hypnotherapy techniques to effect change at a subconscious level.

It has been claimed that one (1) RTT Session can make the same progress with a client as ten (10) traditional talk therapy sessions. However, the comparison between the number of traditional psychology sessions and one RTT session is not that straightforward, as it greatly depends on individual cases and the specific issues being addressed. RTT is designed to achieve significant results in a shorter timeframe, often claiming effectiveness in one to three sessions for certain issues. In contrast, traditional psychology/counselling typically involves regular sessions over a longer period, possibly months or years. The exact equivalence in terms of number of sessions can vary widely based on the complexity of the individual’s needs and the specific therapeutic goals.

The RTT sessions provided by Niomi at Get Up and Grow Consulting embody this swift and effective approach. Her sessions are not just about addressing symptoms but are aimed at uncovering and resolving the underlying causes of distress. This can be particularly effective for issues like phobias, anxiety, and self-esteem issues, where traditional psychology/counselling might take longer to reach the underlying cause.

Her practice also extends beyond individual therapy. Holding a bachelor’s degree in psychology and masters in business psychology, her expertise in understanding human behaviour, business psychology and leadership development allows her to apply RTT principles in a corporate setting, aiding in overall business health and employee well-being.

In summary, RTT offers a compelling alternative to traditional therapy methods. With its focus on quick, profound change and a deep understanding of the subconscious mind, it presents an appealing option for those looking for effective and efficient psychological help. This makes Get Up and Grow Consulting a go-to for individuals seeking rapid and lasting transformation in their mental and emotional well-being.

Feel free to learn more here about how RTT may be able to help you transform your life with rapid and lasting change.

Picture of Niomi Hurley
Niomi Hurley

Niomi specialises in behavioural and social elements of positive psychology. She has developed a unique approach that merges the practices behind traditional psychological theories with energy science to help people increase passion, focus, and accountability.

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