Leadership Psychology Program

Leadership success is made up of 20% skill & 80% psychology

"Knowing how to lead people is one step, but understanding the psychology behind how and why people behave the way they do allows you to set up an environment where people lead themselves" ~ Niomi Hurley
People often mistake management and supervision for leadership. A great leader is more of a guide in an environment where people are able to manage and supervise themselves while displaying desired behaviours because they want to, rather than being told that they have to.

By tapping into the mountains of research being conducted into social and behavioral psychology over the years, this 8 week program will give you information, hints, tips and tools on elements of leadership psychology that will allow you to better understand and influence the people around you, especially those in your team.

True leadership does not just come from leading a team of people effectively, it is about influencing at all levels and in all directions of the organisation, club or group you are involved in. It is about setting a standard that others aspire to and creating an environment that encourages them to get there. 

This program has been designed for leaders at all levels. Those who are looking for self growth and development, those who have recently been promoted and also those who have long been in management and supervisor roles and just want to make their job easier by minimising the ‘people problems’ that they face day to day. 

The content delivered in this program will cover:

  • subconscious drivers that result in why people behave the way that they do
  • recognising your own triggers and how that affects your interactions with others
  • how to predict the behaviour of those around you and influence effective change
  • using proven psychological theories to modify behaviours and create better outcomes
  • the development of psychological contracts and predetermined expectations in others
  • subconscious priming and biases that can be harnessed for maximum influence
  • why people behave differently alone compared to when in groups and how to harness that group think power

Costing Details

✔️ Facilitated online via streaming platform (live) every Monday for 8 weeks

✔️ Replays of sessions available for viewing if unable to attend live or want a refresher

✔️ Weekly live 2 hour session runs from 11am – 1pm

✔️ 8 week program (with access to each replay session for the duration of the program) 




($110 per week)
Payment Plan Available

Session Content

Session 1

Workplace Psychological Safety

Psychological safety in the workplace is just as important as physical safety which has recently been recognised by the inclusion into the Work, Health Safety Legislation. Learn how to meet moral and legal obligations around creating a psychologically safe workplace. 


  • Legislative requirements
  • Psychosocial hazards
  • Managing associated risk
  • Identifying preventative controls to reduce risk
  • Leadership contributions to controls

Session 2

Behaviours & Motivators of Individuals

Create a better understanding of why individuals feel, think and behave they way they do to increase the effectiveness of influence and relationships.


  • 4 Roles that people play
  • 6 Core needs that drive people
  • Personality types
  • 5 Love languages
  • Me, We, Community

Session 3

Social Psychology

Human behaviour can differ greatly for each individual when they are in different social situations and with different groups of personalities. Factors that can influence individuals to behave in particular ways in groups include group membership, social norms, attitudes, perceptions and persuasion. 


  • Formation of attitudes
  • Social beliefs and judgements
  • Small group processes
  • Conformity, compliance and obedience
  • Social categorisation and social identity

Session 4

Priming and Biases

We are being primed by many things without us actually realising it so creating an awareness of priming allows us to identify how our behaviours are being influenced and how we can better influence the behaviours of others. Priming is an effective tool is strengthening or weakening the presence of unconscious biases that exist within each of us.


  • What is priming
  • Different priming methods
  • What are unconscious biases
  • Different types of biases
  • Strategies to combat unconscious biases

Session 5

Growth Mindset & Emotional Fitness

The only thing that we can be certain of, is that things will change. When we can develop a mindset that is comfortable with change and growth it increases our resilience and emotional fitness.


  • The rules of the mind
  • Physiological similarities between fear and change
  • Review of the growth / fixed mindset continuum
  • What is emotional fitness and how to strengthen it
  • The power of recognising what can/cannot be changed

Session 6

Performance Management & Accountability

Managing performance effectively can be both an encouraging and constructive process which drives the employee to perform while reducing the people problem management task for leader.


  • Fairness  and equity
  • Communication essentials
  • The power of questions
  • Rejecting irrelevant content and distractions
  • Creating clear KPIs relevant to the role
  • Setting up improvement plans
  • SMART Goals

Session 7

Effectively Executing Difficult Conversations

Conversations that may contain conflict are often avoided due to their unpredictability and uncomfortable nature. By reframing the thoughts around difficult conversations they become a valuable tool in creating harmony and effectiveness within individuals and teams.


  • What are difficult conversations
  • Framing the purpose of the discussion
  • 5 Key steps to having difficult conversations
  • Facilitating an effective conversation
  • Recognising the presence of emotion and removing it
  • The nature of conflict between individuals
  • Conflict resolution skills

Session 8

Levelling up as a leader

There are three levels of mastery:
1 – Information mastery
2 – Emotional mastery
|3 – Physical mastery

The goal is to consistently hit level three and that is done from both individual commitment and through peer support.


  • Summary and brief review of previous content
  • Confirmation of learning and understanding
  • Setting up a life with personal meaning
  • Levels of Mastery
  • Habit forming and adjusting
  • Creating your leadership identity
  • The power of a mastermind
  • Extreme Ownership
  • Wellness Factors
  • Whats Next?

Meet your facilitator

Niomi Hurley
Corproate Human Behaviour Specialist / Clinical Hypnotherapist
Get Up and Grow Consulting

Costing Details

✔️ Facilitated online via streaming platform (live) every Monday for 8 weeks

✔️ Replays of sessions available for viewing if unable to attend live or want a refresher

✔️ Weekly live 2 hour session runs from 11am – 1pm

✔️ 8 week program (with access to each replay session for the duration of the program) 




($110 per week)
Payment Plan Available

As a new employer, this program delivered! I know that this program will be instrumental in helping me create a safe, positive workplace for my employees. You will lean some very surprising insights into human behaviour, receive lots of helpful tools and tips to understand and influence people in your spheres and for those who love learning and growing - this is for you!

It felt like everything finally clicked for me. I have tried goal setting for years but thinking about the worst case scenario part made me feel like this time I can actually achieve my goals, as I am motivated not to live that scenario!

I took so many things away from the course. Overall, every little topic we needed to cover impacted me heavily in life. My work ethic has altered in a more positive, manageable way.